
Marc Chagall: Paris From the Window (París desde la ventana)

Spanish translation below - Traduccción al español mas abajo

“Paris From the Window” by Marc Chagall.

This Russian painter resided in France for much of his career. In this painting he combined a view of Paris populated by traditional Russian folk elements, including the inverted train, the cat with human face, etc. Beyond the pictorial complexity and bright colors of this painting, the message is clear: when we look around, we see reality and we interpret our surrounding through the lens of our cultural background. Our eyes do not see in abstract, but through a cultural paradigm.

A central element in this painting is the two-faced head in the lower-right corner. The faces (the painter's) mean that the same person simultaneously and permanently looks in two directions: the face looking to the left see the here and now; the other face looks back home, the past, the cultural heritage, the motherland.

This painting is particularly meaningful for those of us who have emigrated.

If you happen to be in New York, you can see this painting in the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum located in 5th Ave and E 88th St.

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“Paris desde la Ventana” de Marc Chagall.

Este pintor de origen ruso radicado en Francia combina en este cuadro una vista de Paris poblada de elementos tradicionales del folclore ruso; incluyendo el tren invertido, el gato con cara humana, etc. Mas alla de la complejidad y color brillanted de este cuadro, el mensaje que transmite es claro: cuando miramos la realidad la vemos e interpretamos a traves de nuestro bagaje cultural; los ojos no ven en abstracto sino a traves de un paradigma cultural.

Un elemento central son las caras en la esquina inferior derecha. Representan a una misma persona (el pintor) permanentemente mirando en dos direcciones, la cara que mira hacia la izquierda ve el aquí y ahora; la otra mitad mira al pasado, la herencia cultural, la madre patria.

Especialmente relevante para los que hemos emigrado.

Si pasan por New York, lo pueden ver en el Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum en 5th Ave y 
E 88th st

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